Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Molly was a hooker,

and a damn good one it’s said,
for in her prime she was the wildest thing in bed.
Innovative and pleasing to all her johns she’d do
whatever they could imagine, and make them feel anew.

For years she had a cliental that included all the best,
the richest politicians, the bankers and the rest
would pay a handsome fee to be in her embrace;
they would give their all to her, they loved her ways and grace.

But there came a day when she couldn’t ask the fee that
she once had.
She noticed with greater frequency she had an empty bed.
So employment was in order, she needed something new.
A fresh start, another job, a finer life she could pursue.

She considered what she knew as an expert in her craft,
for what she was best qualified, to use her fore and aft.
She knew customer relations, and how to look her best.
To this the city fathers surely could attest.

Real estate or insurance would not be fun she thought,
but she needed something, a place where she could start.
She looked at all her attributes and what she did so well,
and wondered what profession could use the tricks she knew.

She’d used her tricks for money, not caring who would pay,
to be secretive and cunning any night or day.
She’d had to cheat and lie a bit, that is of course the way,
then she’d just plead ignorance, and do what er she may.

She’d take bribes, if need be, to keep her secrets true,
and if some guy screwed her over, she’d make of him a fool.
And if she would do something wrong, she’d just change the rules,
change the wrong to right, she’d always keep her cool.

She thought long and hard, then made the best decision,
searching every job there was preceding her transition .
Of all the jobs that fit her well, she knew with great conviction,
is the take-the-loot and screw-em-all job of the politician.

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