Friday, November 04, 2005

Of Working in the Woods Alone

Spent yesterday taking the logs I cut earlier and bunking them to get them off the ground. They will likely be firewood for the winter of 2007. There was also slash from years of thinning that needed to be piled. I don’t know when I will get around to burning it; it still needs to be taken to an open area, I am cautious of fire getting out of hand and the steep hillside is no place for a fire. While disbranching, I had my back to the a pile of doug fir logs, these were about twelve inches in diameter, and about 15 feet long. Something I did dislodged the pile and one of the logs started rolling. I had the chainsaw running and didn’t hear it come, so before I knew it, I was pinned to the ground.
It didn’t take much to get out from under the log, but It did give me a dang sore ankle and lower leg, some handsome bruises, but nothing feels broke.
I don’t think too much about the danger of working in the woods alone, or hiking alone, or doing anything out here alone. I try to be safe, and until yesterday that seemed to suffice.
It just started snowing here, after a night of light rain, and there is a good wind. It may still be a bit above freezing, but the morning walk was the first one where the cold was noticeable.
Glad to be inside today.

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