Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Wright Weather

I didn’t want this to be the rural weather report, but the weather seems to predominate conversations here. I guess when it is well below zero with a stiff wind it does affect what we do. Our crew skirting the mobile homes took the day off. They are having a time of it anyway. The bid was put-in in November, before the ground froze and now they have to scrape and hammer down the high points on the ground. They also are pounding stakes in, all the more difficult on the frozen ground. They thought they could do four a day, but are hard pressed to get one done. With progress going so slow they sent the big boss in from Florida to get them to work harder, but after he saw the conditions they are working under, he decided to send in another crew who should arrive today. The boss spent about 20 hours in state before jamming back south.
Had pipes freeze in about 10 of the 53 units, also some problems with insulation and hot water heaters. The crews are getting-er-done though.

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